Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Mystic OS V6 For Lava Iris X5 (MTK) Custom Rom

1.Mystic OS V6 Download Link Click
2. Copy the Mystic file to internal or external SD card.

3. Now switch off your x5 press and hold volume up then press lock button until appear LAVA logo.

4.  Go to “backup and restore>backup”. Then it will store your current ROM apps with data on your external SD card. If you need to backup to internal SD card select “backup and restore>backup to internal sdcard”.(Recomended).

5. Now do these things:
Wipe data/factroy reset
Wipe cache
Advanced>Wipe dalvik cache.

6. Go to “install zip>choose zip from sdcard”. Then browse the Mystic file on your sdcard then install it...

7. After finishing these installation reboot your phone, wait 3-5min for first boot..

   Now succesfully flashed Mystic rom.... EnJoy...

Monday, 9 November 2015

cyanogenmod Rom For Lava Iris X5 MT6582 only


1. Download cyanogenmod CM rom click

2. Google Apps click
3. Copy the CM file to internal or external SD card.

4. Now switch off your x5 press and hold volume up then press lock button until appear LAVA logo.

5.  Go to “backup and restore>backup”. Then it will store your current ROM apps with data on your external SD card. If you need to backup to internal SD card select “backup and restore>backup to internal sdcard”.(Recomended).

6. Now do these things:
Wipe data/factroy reset
Wipe cache
Advanced>Wipe dalvik cache.

7. Go to “install zip>choose zip from sdcard”. Then browse the CM file on your sdcard then install it...

8. After finishing these installation reboot your phone, wait 3-5min for first boot..

   Now succesfully flashed CM rom.... EnJoy...